February is a cold month/2月は寒いですよ

The first month of the new year is over.  

Looking back it seems that the only thing I am consistent at doing with this blog is making false promises about updating.  I haven’t been the best of people in this past year.  Amongst the several accomplishments (making assistant manager, proving to myself I can afford rent on time, meeting what seems like the girl of dreams), there have been more downfalls that have seem to have outweighed those high points in life.    Like I said, not the best of people.  I have struggled with drug addiction and showing up to work on time, much of went hand in hand. 

The second month of the new year is almost over.

Here I sit in front of my computer, going on 3 days sober, cold turkey.  It doesn’t seem like a lot, but I feel like every journey has to start somewhere, and without taking those first couple of steps, I would still be getting high and staying up till dawn and showing up late to work.  I must admit, it is about 3 a.m. as I am typing this and besides me sits a freshly brewed cup of coffee, so perhaps I may still show up to work late笑.  All jokes aside, I really do want to turn a new leaf.  But what brought upon this new change of heart?  I too have been asking myself the same question for the past 72, and I suppose it could be due to my new addiction to the new Netflix series “House of Cards” and how I don’t want to end up like the character of Congressman Peter Russo.  Now if you haven’t seen the series Peter Russ…actually, I won’t spoil it for you, but you really should watch the series, it’s quite entertaining.  Since the new year started, I have had momentary instances in which, something in the back of my brain just told me to stop, sort of like a mental safety net to keep me falling any further.  My body is really starting to feel old, and it could very possibly have been because of the abuse that I, personally put it through during the past year.  Before my trip to Japan, I was biking several miles a day, eating right, and mentally happy…basically healthy as fuck.  But recently I have began to feel lazy, eat through convenience, and very pessimistic…basically shitty as fuck.  It pains me to see myself go through this when I know deep down, somewhere, I have much more potential energy than that.  I am feeling confident about this challenge and I will need all the luck I can get, so with that being said…wish me luck.

The third month of the year is near.

I have a great outlook for the upcoming month.  I’ve been catching a lot of shit from the head chef that I work with, particularly because he’s very self-centered, egotistical, thinks he’s always right, and will never listen to any of your arguments type of guy; but why does that give me a reason to hate him?  I suppose he’s just doing his job (or so he says) but, in my mind I just think he has too much to say.  A great man once told me “to be humble is great” and because of that, I have shut my mouth whenever he spits his  condescending trash talk at me.  Regardless of the fact, I just feel that you should always try to motivate your workers and not make them feel lesser than you, but when your IQ is a whopping 78 I suppose you have every right to make them feel as such.  So tomorrow is a new day, and with that being said, I shall definitely seize the day.  I’m sure he’s confident that I’ll fuck up again, but on the other hand, I’m quite confident that he just be losing that confidence tomorrow morning.

Till the next, またね!

Happy 2014!

New year, new beginnings.
Getting back to continuously writing on this blog is like going through rehabilitation. You know the end goal is what you are truly seeking, yet the road to get there is going to be quite grueling and challenging. I am clearly over-exaggerating about it being grueling, but challenging it definitely will be. From the time I started this blog, my WPM has dropped significantly and my vocabulary has been hindered due to the amount of Japanese that I have been trying to memorize. Enough with the excuses though, 2014 has sent me a positive vibe though it’s very negative start. Born again, I can honestly say I feel revived and eager to get my life back into order. Till the next, I wish everyone the best.
Happy new year folks.

Someday my ship will come in…

Although it could be easily viewed as a sexual innuendo, it also happens to be one of the finer things that was said to me during this newly sprouted relationship.

Honestly though, I have always found it strange how things just seem to fall in your lap when you have the patience.  Don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t been easy coping with mild depression due to loneliness in the past several months, but it is nice when you have to fight through that to find a real “gem.” I was recently handed a good piece of advice by one of my fellow colleagues in a random conversation on some random spring day.  He had noted that “all girls are crazy in some way or another” and that “some are just more crazy than others.”  I had a nice laugh and quickly responded back by saying “Ain’t that the truth.”  My friend then added by saying ” If you ever find a good girl, like one that you can just feel comfortable with, hang on to her and never let her go.”  I pondered a bit about what he said and really took that to heart.  Perhaps it was due to the fact that my selection of possible mates is quite strict.  Being attractive because of your looks is one thing, but if the personality doesn’t match the looks then it kind of ruins everything, don’t ya think?

I’m still playing it cool. Trust me, you’ll notice the results regardless of what happens.

Wish me luck!

This is where it counts/これから大事になる。


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You’ve been hiding for the past month…
…it’s about time you come out of your shell and play.

The motion of becoming reclusive is not always an easy thing when you are extremely charismatic.  It is one of those natural gifts that was handed down (perhaps through genetics) and highly appreciated as I started becoming an adult.  Unfortunately, I had to remember that no gift goes without a curse, and thus I was also given a shy demeanor in meeting new people (especially Japanese girls).  As contradictory as this may sound, if you’ve met me and partied alongside me, you probably know what I’m talking about.  It’s just the introduction, everything after that is downhill.

Anyway, I’ve slowly been working on being more confident off-the-bat and making more eye contact with attractive women or more importantly, women that I’m attracted to.  I’m set to publicly release this website on facebook soon and although I feel some feelings of restraint to do so, not releasing this blog would not help me get out of my  shell.  I’m guessing sometime next week it will be ready.

I guess this is what I get for not updating my blog frequently and realizing that WordPress does not utilize autosave as much as blogger.  That’s right, you guessed it, this is the second time I am writing this blog.  Anyway, I think it’s good practice being that I’ve been a bit rusty and have recently been speaking Japanese for the latter part of my day.  This blog is also my “new skin” sort to speak, so it will take some time for me to adapt to my new surroundings, but rest assured as it will not take long before I do.

As previously stated, I have been slacking on my basic upkeep of this blog and for that I apologize.  I have been quite busy in the past few months, which translates to “I have no excuse, but I have not exactly been sitting on my ass doing nothing.”  to be a bit more clear, these events include going to Kyoto, Hiroshima and Tokyo with my parents on their visit, as well as doing and seeing as much as I could before school started.  Either way, that was the past and from now on, I promise you (my reader audience) that I will be more diligent with this blog and update at least once a week.

So this is where it counts…
Winter is clearly gone and the cherry blossoms have recently sprouted in the city which I am currently residing.  The season of “hanami,” which is the japanese word for viewing the magnificent display of the cherry blossoms in full bloom, and the snow like showers that they create when the wind blows them away from the trees that gave birth to them.  As with most things in Japanese culture, Hanami bears a significant correlation with human life, but I’ll let you figure that out on your own.  Perhaps what I’m really trying to get at is that the dreary cloudy weather of winter has started to clear a bit and hopefully, I’ll soon find my “sunshine.”  This is where it counts.

Last but not least, I leave you with some pictures of Tokaidaigaku Buliding #1 and Tokaidaigakumae station.  Enjoy!
Til’ the next…